dental abscess

A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Their Adolescent’s Wisdom Teeth Development 

As parents, we embark on a journey filled with milestones as we guide our children through various stages of growth and development. Among these milestones, the emergence of wisdom teeth during the teenage years marks a significant phase in their oral health journey. While this… Read More »A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Their Adolescent’s Wisdom Teeth Development 

Kids’ Orthodontics and Speech: How Braces Can Impact Communication 

Seeing your child wear braces can be a significant milestone in their journey to a beautiful, healthy smile. However, parents often have questions about how braces might affect their child’s speech. While there may be some initial adjustments, the long-term benefits of orthodontic treatment typically… Read More »Kids’ Orthodontics and Speech: How Braces Can Impact Communication 

A child holding her cheek with Kapolei dental.

Shielding Little Smiles: A Guide to Preventing Early Childhood Cavities 

Children’s health encompasses a spectrum of concerns, yet Kapolei dental care is a facet that frequently falls by the wayside. Nonetheless, the foundation of strong pediatric dental health often lies in the realm of diet and nutrition. In this extensive guide, we will explore the… Read More »Shielding Little Smiles: A Guide to Preventing Early Childhood Cavities